Roof vents are one of those things you probably don’t think about too much, unless something goes wrong and you notice some water leaking into your attic space. But proper roof ventilation is essential to keeping your home safe and comfortable. Here are five reasons why proper roof ventilation is important for your home.

1. Prevents Condensation, Mold, and Rot

The best way to prevent condensation and mold in your attic is to install proper roof ventilation. In fact, one of the most important aspects is helping prevent condensation, which eventually leads to mold and rot, according to the Roof Ventilation Association. Properly installed roof vents are designed to allow warm moist air to escape while keeping cooler dry air in the attic. These vents are usually placed near the peak of the roof where there is less insulation and therefore warmer air. However, some roofs do not provide enough venting area because of the type of material used, or the slope of the roof.

Your home produces a lot more water than you might realize. You shower, cook, bathe, wash clothes, use appliances, etc., and the resulting warmth causes humid air to rise up into your ceiling spaces. Warm air rises faster than cold air, so even though your house is well insulated, warm air continues to move up into the attic. When the warm air reaches the underside of the roof, it begins to condense. As long as the temperature difference between the warm air and the cool ceiling is large enough, condensation occurs.

If a vapor barrier is not present, the warm air will continue to rise, eventually reaching the attic. Once the warm air hits the cool surface of the roof, it will begin to condense. The condensation creates wet spots that attract mold and mildew. A properly constructed roof system helps prevent condensation.

2. Increases Energy Efficiency

As the temperatures outside begin to climb, the temperature inside your house begins to rise too. But if you are living in a climate where the weather gets hot and humid, you might find yourself spending more money on air conditioning just to keep your home comfortable. This is because, during the summer months, your home’s heating and cooling systems work overtime to maintain a constant temperature.

In fact, according to the National Association of Home Builders, the average cost of running one AC unit per month is $73. And while you might think that the best way to save money on your electric bill is to invest in LED lighting fixtures or smart thermostats, there is another option that could help you cut down on your monthly bills without having to spend hundreds of dollars on new appliances.
One of the most effective ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency and reduce your cooling costs is by ensuring you have a proper attic and rooftop ventilation.

3. Increases Roof’s Lifespan

Roof ventilation is one of the most important things you can do to extend the life of your roof. By ensuring there are adequate vents throughout the entire roof structure, you can help prevent moisture buildup and rot. This prevents water from collecting on the underside of the roof decking and causing it to expand and crack. In addition, there needs to be proper airflow around the perimeter of the building to ensure that warm air rises. This allows cooler, moist air to flow down into the attic.

4. Reduces Indoor Temperature Extremes

Indoor temperature extremes can be caused by poor roofing materials. When the sun shines directly onto the roof, heat is trapped inside the attic. As temperatures rise, moisture condenses on the underside of the roof deck. Over time, water seeps into the insulation and causes mold growth. Moisture buildup can lead to rotting wood and rot damage to the structure itself.

A properly vented roof helps to reduce indoor temperature extremes. Ventilation holes allow warm air to escape and cooler air to enter the attic. In addition, vents are designed to drain rainwater away from the building envelope.

5. Prevents Ice Damming

Ice dams are dangerous because they can cause water damage to your home and lead to mold growth. They can also pose serious safety risks, such as falling off a roof. The warmer it gets inside your house, the less likely it is that your attic will remain cold enough to freeze moisture out of the air. You can use vents in your attic to ventilate the area.

Need a Roof Inspection?

The first step in getting your roof replaced is getting an inspection & an estimate. When you partner with Tristate Roofing & Remodeling, we will walk you through the process of choosing the right roof for your home. Contact us today to get started!